Apply - Permission Slip - Pay for ARML

ARML 2025 Information - Missouri

ARML (American Regions Math League) is the premier national competition for math teams, and is the largest, most prestigious, and probably most fun on-site math competition in the United States. mathleague.org organizes teams of 15 talented math students to represent the State of Missouri at the national ARML competition, and we would like to invite interested students to submit an application to be on this year's team. This year's ARML meet is scheduled for May 31 and will be held in Iowa City at the University of Iowa.

The cost of the program this year will be $375, which covers registration, practice sessions, housing Friday night at the University of Iowa, ground transportation to and from Iowa City from St. Louis or Springfield, two meals on Saturday, and a team T-shirt. You will be responsible for your other meals as well as any additional spending money you wish to bring. Many school districts pay part or all of a student's expenses to attend the ARML meet. Feel free to seek funding from your local district; if you are accepted onto the team mathleague.org can prepare an official invitation letter to assist in securing funding if you would like to pursue this option. Transportation this year will likely be in cars and vans. All students will return home Saturday evening after ARML concludes. Parents interested in driving students to Iowa City should fill out the application form described below and we will coordinate with you regarding transportation details.

We have invited students throughout Missouri to apply, but we are certainly interested in recruiting additional students and can use your help identifying students who may be good candidates for this program. We are also looking for teachers to serve as assistant coaches. Please direct any interested students or teachers to our website or have them contact us for more information.

For more information about the ARML program, feel free to check out the ARML website at http://www.arml.com. Once you have been accepted onto the team, we will be in contact with you about transportation and will notify you of any team practices to be held online or in your area between now and the competition. Attending practices is an important part of the ARML process, and as such, you will be expected to attend practices held in May if you live close enough to attend practices. If you have any questions, we can be reached by email at arml@mathleague.org. We look forward to your participation on this year's team!

To do list:

  • Application - Your application for participation should be submitted by April 21; the application is available at https://mathleague.org/armlapp.php. If your parents or teachers are interested in traveling to Iowa City with the team, please have them fill out an application form as well and we can work out the appropriate details with them. Note that the "application" is in name only; we expect all interested students will be able to participate as long as they sign up and pay the fee in time. Conversely, filling out the application does not obligate you to participate but will ensure that you get timely notifications about all ARML-related activities.
  • Payment and permission slip - After filling out the application, students who intend to compete at ARML must pay the fee by April 21. This fee represents your firm commitment to participate in the competition and is nonrefundable. Students planning to go to ARML this year need to send a check for $375 (made out to Math League), by April 21 to Math League, PO Box 580334, Houston TX 77258. If you prefer, you may pay online by clicking the link at the top of this page; either way, make sure participant's name is attached to the payment. Registration fees are nonrefundable after April 21, but if you end up unable to make it to ARML you may designate another student to take your place at the competition. You will also be required to submit a notarized permission slip (mailed to the same address as above) by May 10; the permission slip is available by clicking the link at the top of this page.
  • Practices - In-person and online practices will be scheduled in May; all students are encouraged to attend the online practices, and students who live close to an in-person practice site are encouraged to attend those if possible. Practice dates will be announced over the team email list.

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