Number Sense Challenge Leaderboard For Test 121N2H

Note that only scores greater than 20 are listed. If you feel that there is an error in the results below, please email customercare@mathleague.org within a week of the test with the name and school of the student, the number of the test, and the score you think the student should have received. You must also include the file you saved providing confirmation of which answers the student entered into the online system, as well as a list of which problems the student got correct, which problems were incorrect, and which problems were skipped.

3rd Grade
SchoolFirst NameLast NameScore
T H RogersKK236
Anne Sullivan Elementary SchoolAP233
TH RogersSA200
TH RogersHA193
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusAD180
Carlthorp SchoolST152
John Adams Academy El Dorado HillsAS147
Sharon ElementaryRR144
Daves Creek ElementaryKL138
The Harker SchoolMZ120
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusLM116
TH RogersVP113
Latimer Elementary SchoolJK113
West County Mandarin SchoolSC109
South Plainfield Home SchoolKD108
Vickery Creek ElementaryJW107
Orlando Science Elementry SchoolSS102
Mandarin Immersion Magnet SchoolNC99
North DoverDG95
Windsor Park PW91
Theodore Judah Elementary SchoolSP91
Hyer Elementary SchoolTC88
West County Mandarin SchoolJL78
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusAN71
Bunbury Home SchoolSB55
Yu Ming Charter SchoolOC45
Bunbury Home SchoolCB38

4th Grade
SchoolFirst NameLast NameScore
Walker Station ElementaryMG319
Theodore Judah Elementary, FolsomAR281
Stenstrom Elementary JG250
Knox Gifted AcadmeyPM213
Glenwood Elementary SchoolBQ206
Rocklin Academy RocklinSW204
Austin Area HomeschoolersHA202
Argonaut ElementaryPV202
Rocklin AcademyPH200
Thoreau ElementaryAA199
colony meadow elementarySG197
Knox Gifted AcademyRT186
Rosa Lee CarterSM177
Lake Whitney ElementarySP175
St. Johns SchoolJA168
T H RogersSI163
Nelson Dilworth ElementaryJK156
Countrylane ElementaryCC155
Colony MeadowJM148
Colony Meadows ElementaryAB138
Chickering elementary schoolBY137
Quail summitRH131
Harker Lower SchoolAJ129
Theodore Judah Elementary SchoolJH116
Basis Peoria PrimarySN113
Wilder Waite elementaryAD109
Colony Meadows ElementaryYS103
Colony Meadows Elementry SF102
Daves Creek Elementary SchoolAN90
Colony Meadows Elementary SchoolKG82
Higley Traditional Academy LB79
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusNM61
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusJL49

5th Grade
SchoolFirst NameLast NameScore
Weber ElementaryPG364
Goldsboro Elementary Magnet SchoolPR345
Commonwealth ESAA302
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusBX278
Basis medical center, San Antonio SC278
Olinda Elementary SchoolMJ274
Ladue Fifth Grade CenterET273
The Harker SchoolAM269
Argonaut ElementaryAV257
Silver Oak ElementarySS247
Anne Sullivan Elementary NS245
Challenger School- Lone MountainLW242
Rocklin Elementary SchoolMG241
Silver Oak Elementary SV235
Theodore Judah ElementaryAR231
AA HomeschoolAL229
Ann Sullivan Elementary SchoolAN225
Saigling ElementarySD224
Theodore Judah Elementary School, FolsomAC223
Argonaut ElementarySN220
Fred & Patti Shafer ElementaryJQ214
silver oak elementaryKs211
Vickery Creek ElementaryJW204
Brookwood ElementaryRM202
Theodore Judah Elementary, FolsomAJ193
Goldsboro Elementary TM193
Commonwealth elementary schoolTN189
Lake Whitney Elementary SchoolGP186
American Heritage School, Plantation,FLAG178
Challenger BerryessaSD178
Sullivan ElementaryAB176
Silveroak Elementary schoolDS175
Cornerstone ElementaryPK164
Chestatee ElementaryNS163
Goldsboro Elementary Magnet SchoolSV160
Daves Creek ElementaryAA156
Theodore Judah Elementary School FolsomRK154
Pingry SchoolRM152
Cornerstone ElementaryEY150
Anne Sullivan ElementarySK148
Anne Sullivan Elementarysc146
American Heritage PlantationSH144
Goldsboro ElementaryAD137
Challenger Shawnee AT130
CornerStone Elementry SchoolCP121
Rocklin AcademySI117
Sunrise Drive Elementary SchoolJY117
pope elementary tA109
Johns creek elementaryAL99
Brookfield schoolAH91
Rocklin Academy turnstoneks82
Orlando Science Elementary SchoolSS80
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusAJ78
Holland HillCS54

6th Grade
SchoolFirst NameLast NameScore
Hutchinson Middle SchoolLP302
Lakewood Middle SchoolRG283
Desana MiddleSM260
Mission ValleyAM241
Orlando Science ElementarySP223
Lincoln ElementaryMM204
The Mirman School SB196
Harmony School of ExcellenceDM194
Orlando Science Middle SchoolNT177
Thayer J Hill Middle SchoolMS172
Orlando Science Elementary SchoolTH159
McCulloch Intermediate SchoolEC148
Orlando Science Elementary SchoolSR137
Wydown Middle SchoolST120
Falcon Cove Middle SchoolJX118
Basis Tucson NorthAW109
South Forsyth middle schoolSJ81

Open Division
SchoolFirst NameLast NameScore
TH RogersAS346
Brea Junior High SchoolLJ346
Lakewood Middle SchoolMG342
Clarksville Middle SchoolSP326
Austin Area HomeschoolersJG277
Falcon Cove Middle SchoolEX234
Pine View SchoolRD218
Falcon Cove MiddleDC216
Wydown Middle SchoolAW215
Challenger BerryessaSV196
Richmond Middle SchoolCC189
partin elementaryby174
Falcon Cove Middle SchoolSH171
Selvidge Middle SchoolAB165
Pine Crest SchoolBJ162
Mission ValleyAM156
Lakeside middle schoolAN105
Lakeside Middle SchoolMR59
Falcon CoveSM32

SchoolFirst NameLast NameScore
Weber ElementaryPG364
Brea Junior High SchoolLJ346
TH RogersAS346
Goldsboro Elementary Magnet SchoolPR345
Lakewood Middle SchoolMG342
Clarksville Middle SchoolSP326
Walker Station ElementaryMG319
Hutchinson Middle SchoolLP302
Commonwealth ESAA302
Lakewood Middle SchoolRG283
Theodore Judah Elementary, FolsomAR281
Basis medical center, San Antonio SC278
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusBX278
Austin Area HomeschoolersJG277
Olinda Elementary SchoolMJ274
Ladue Fifth Grade CenterET273
The Harker SchoolAM269
Desana MiddleSM260
Argonaut ElementaryAV257
Stenstrom Elementary JG250
Silver Oak ElementarySS247
Anne Sullivan Elementary NS245
Challenger School- Lone MountainLW242
Rocklin Elementary SchoolMG241
Mission ValleyAM241
T H RogersKK236
Silver Oak Elementary SV235
Falcon Cove Middle SchoolEX234
Anne Sullivan Elementary SchoolAP233
Theodore Judah ElementaryAR231
AA HomeschoolAL229
Ann Sullivan Elementary SchoolAN225
Saigling ElementarySD224
Orlando Science ElementarySP223
Theodore Judah Elementary School, FolsomAC223
Argonaut ElementarySN220
Pine View SchoolRD218
Falcon Cove MiddleDC216
Wydown Middle SchoolAW215
Fred & Patti Shafer ElementaryJQ214
Knox Gifted AcadmeyPM213
silver oak elementaryKs211
Glenwood Elementary SchoolBQ206
Rocklin Academy RocklinSW204
Lincoln ElementaryMM204
Vickery Creek ElementaryJW204
Austin Area HomeschoolersHA202
Argonaut ElementaryPV202
Brookwood ElementaryRM202
Rocklin AcademyPH200
TH RogersSA200
Thoreau ElementaryAA199
colony meadow elementarySG197
Challenger BerryessaSV196
The Mirman School SB196
Harmony School of ExcellenceDM194
Theodore Judah Elementary, FolsomAJ193
TH RogersHA193
Goldsboro Elementary TM193
Commonwealth elementary schoolTN189
Richmond Middle SchoolCC189
Lake Whitney Elementary SchoolGP186
Knox Gifted AcademyRT186
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusAD180
American Heritage School, Plantation,FLAG178
Challenger BerryessaSD178
Rosa Lee CarterSM177
Orlando Science Middle SchoolNT177
Sullivan ElementaryAB176
Lake Whitney ElementarySP175
Silveroak Elementary schoolDS175
partin elementaryby174
Thayer J Hill Middle SchoolMS172
Falcon Cove Middle SchoolSH171
St. Johns SchoolJA168
Selvidge Middle SchoolAB165
Cornerstone ElementaryPK164
T H RogersSI163
Chestatee ElementaryNS163
Pine Crest SchoolBJ162
Goldsboro Elementary Magnet SchoolSV160
Orlando Science Elementary SchoolTH159
Mission ValleyAM156
Nelson Dilworth ElementaryJK156
Daves Creek ElementaryAA156
Countrylane ElementaryCC155
Theodore Judah Elementary School FolsomRK154
Pingry SchoolRM152
Carlthorp SchoolST152
Cornerstone ElementaryEY150
Anne Sullivan ElementarySK148
McCulloch Intermediate SchoolEC148
Colony MeadowJM148
John Adams Academy El Dorado HillsAS147
Anne Sullivan Elementarysc146
American Heritage PlantationSH144
Sharon ElementaryRR144
Daves Creek ElementaryKL138
Colony Meadows ElementaryAB138
Chickering elementary schoolBY137
Orlando Science Elementary SchoolSR137
Goldsboro ElementaryAD137
Quail summitRH131
Challenger Shawnee AT130
Harker Lower SchoolAJ129
CornerStone Elementry SchoolCP121
Wydown Middle SchoolST120
The Harker SchoolMZ120
Falcon Cove Middle SchoolJX118
Sunrise Drive Elementary SchoolJY117
Rocklin AcademySI117
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusLM116
Theodore Judah Elementary SchoolJH116
Latimer Elementary SchoolJK113
Basis Peoria PrimarySN113
TH RogersVP113
pope elementary tA109
Basis Tucson NorthAW109
West County Mandarin SchoolSC109
Wilder Waite elementaryAD109
South Plainfield Home SchoolKD108
Vickery Creek ElementaryJW107
Lakeside middle schoolAN105
Colony Meadows ElementaryYS103
Orlando Science Elementry SchoolSS102
Colony Meadows Elementry SF102
Mandarin Immersion Magnet SchoolNC99
Johns creek elementaryAL99
North DoverDG95
Brookfield schoolAH91
Theodore Judah Elementary SchoolSP91
Windsor Park PW91
Daves Creek Elementary SchoolAN90
Hyer Elementary SchoolTC88
Colony Meadows Elementary SchoolKG82
Rocklin Academy turnstoneks82
South Forsyth middle schoolSJ81
Orlando Science Elementary SchoolSS80
Higley Traditional Academy LB79
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusAJ78
West County Mandarin SchoolJL78
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusAN71
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusNM61
Lakeside Middle SchoolMR59
Bunbury Home SchoolSB55
Holland HillCS54
BASIS San Antonio Primary Medical Center CampusJL49
Yu Ming Charter SchoolOC45
Bunbury Home SchoolCB38
Falcon CoveSM32

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